CS110: Spring 2020

Intro to Computer Programming with Python

CS110: Spring 2020

Dictionary Algorithms

Dictionaries are also very useful tools for data analysis. Today, we’ll go over how dictionaries can help you to group, tally, and analyze data.

Please Complete the Following Tasks

1. Download the Exercise Files

Exercise Files

2. Review the Slides

  1. Using Dictionaries for Data Analysis
  2. Supplementary Slides for Live Lecture

3. Watch the Lecture Video(s)

Link Title Type Duration
Video 1 L13a: Creating a Dictionary (Review) pre-recorded 10:58
Video 2 L13b: Reading a List of Dictionaries (Review) pre-recorded 13:37
Video 3 L13c: Creating a Tally pre-recorded 14:28
Video 4 L13d: Grouping & Counting - Legislature pre-recorded 20:10
Video 5 More practice with dictionaries lecture 1:10:41