CS110: Spring 2020

Intro to Computer Programming with Python

CS110: Spring 2020

Assignments > HW0: Signup for a Tutorial

Due on Tue, 04/07 @ 11:59PM. 0 Points.

Tutorial Sign-Ups

As described in the syllabus, this course involves weekly small-group tutorial sessions where you will will work in groups of 10-12 with a member of the teaching staff. Tutorials beginning in Week 3 (starting on 4/13). Tutorial sessions will be run synchronously (live) by your assigned peer mentors via Zoom. During each tutorial session, you will work through an exercise together with your peer mentor, to advance your understanding of targeted programming concepts. Tutorial sessions count for 10% of your grade and are a MANDATORY part of the class.

Please sign-up for a tutorial using this sign-up sheet . There should be no more than 12 students per tutorial. Do not delete someone else’s name if they have already signed up for a slot. There will be space for everyone, but we may just have to shift some things around if there are no times that fit with your schedule.

Pre-Course Questionnaire

In addition, if you haven’t already done it, please fill out the pre-course questionnaire . This will help us to understand what time zones you all are in, and if you have any technological constraints that we should know about. We also wanted to know a bit about your background and what you hope to gain from the course!